
Spring & Summer is the time to make your own flower essences. 

Flower essences are a type of vibrational medicine, akin to homeopathy, in which the healing energy of flowers is captured in a process of dilution, and no flower parts remain in the finished remedy. 

It is easy to make flower essences and they are a wonderful complement to herbal medicine because they address the underlying emotional causes that create problems in the body. I have been adding them into my clients herbal bottles when needed. Sometimes addressing the emotions can resolve physical symptoms and ailments.

They can work quickly, or take time to clear blockages. Similar to doing a detox cleanse, it is possible that you may initially feel heightened awareness of symptoms as stagnant emotional patterns are unearthed. Its a wonderful remedy to make in the crazy times and lockdowns we are facing atm. A nice therapy to do with your kids outdoor too.


Flower essences offer a wonderful way to heal and grow because they affect change at a deep emotional level.

Flowers affect the senses; our noses, enamored by a euphoric aroma, can send our memories whirling back in time. Maybe you can recall when, as a child, you pulled the stamens out of the center of a yellow honeysuckle flower to taste its sweetness on your tongue. 

But beyond these senses, flowers have the ability to work on a higher plane––a vibrational level with our very souls. Yarrow Treefriend explains in her book, Blossoms of Light:

Flower essence therapy works primarily as an energetic catalyst to bring changes in psychological patterns. The results of these changes may have physical manifestations as well, but these are mainly of a preventative nature.

They are safe for all ages, and even pets, and the don’t interact with medications. Safe for pregnant and breast-feeding too. They can be taken in a variety of ways: orally, added to your bath, mixed with your lotion and applied directly to your skin, or spayed as a mist that can be absorbed from the air.

There are a couple of popular brands of flower essences available at natural health stores, including Bach and Wild Rose, and Nova Scotian essences produced by Blue Fairie and Star Flower essences.  Here in Australia we use Bush flower essences. Speaking generally, find a flower with resonates with your roots or which you feel calls you. Globally you will find flower essences produced with local blooms. 

And, it is easy to make your own…



Choosing an essence can be as simple as selecting a flower that you feel a particular attraction to. You can choose a flower that is already growing in your garden or through pictures. Sit and meditate with the flower, feel her calling…then

you will need:

  • Two, two ounce glass dropper bottles, dark (amber/cobalt/green) in color. The extra bottle is for breaking the stock bottle into a dosage bottle if desired.

  • Small glass funnel.

  • Clear glass or crystal bowl that is dedicated for making flower essences.

  • A glass jar (Mason jar) with four to six ounces of fresh spring or well water. Do not use distilled water as the ionization process used to distill it destroys the water’s life force.

  • A leaf, such as a cabbage or lettuce leaf to place flowers on before adding to the water.

  • Brandy or vegetable glycerin/apple cider vinegar as a preservative.

  • Garden shears or scissors used specifically for gathering flowers.

  • Labels. Be sure to record the time, date, location as well as the essence(s) contained.

Float the flowers in pure spring or well water in sunlight for 20 minutes to 3 hours or until more than half the flowers are wilted. Remove the flowers and transfer the liquid to a clean bottle. A small tincture bottle is good, about 50 ml. A funnel would be helpful.

Mix the flower water with an equal amount of brandy or glycerine.

Succus the bottle 100 times to mix them. 

Label as “Mother.”

Notes: Flower essences made with brandy will last decades, glycerine will last about 5 years, and plain water essences will last a few days. Look for or prepare glycerine based essences if you do not consume alcohol. 


Fill another small bottle with half water and half brandy. Add 5 drops of the mother. Succus 100 times. Label as “Stock Remedy.”


Combine water and 30% glycerine or brandy. Add 5 drops from the stock bottle. Succus 100 times. Label. 

Keep the Mother and the Stock, and you can make flower essences to last a lifetime (if you have used brandy). Simply make more treatment bottles with the stock, and make more stock from the mother when you run out. 

The treatment bottle is what you will use for the following methods: 


Take 3-5 drops in the mouth or in water, 3 or more times daily.

Use as a room spray – add 3 to 5 drops to a spray bottle full of water.

Add about 20 drops to a  bath. 

Flower essences can also be added to healing creams or lotions. 


For a brief couple of months, Halifax is bursting with flowers, so don’t delay and make your essences soon.

The following flowers can be found in America and Europe and few samples for Australian flower essence as follow:


Althea spp.

Mallow is for people who feel cut off and isolated, and long for warmth and openness. It’s for you if you have difficulty making friends or committing to relationships. Whether it stems from insecurity, fear or lack of trust, mallow will help you overcome barriers to friendship. 


Aesculus hippocastanum

Do you feel like nothing ever changes? Horse Chestnut helps you stop making the same mistakes over and over.  Rid yourself of unwanted, repetitive thoughts and break out of stagnant patterns.


Anethum graveolens

If you’re busy, stressed, and overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of a full & chaotic life. Dill is particularly good if you’re suffering from overstimulation, will promote relaxation and inner nourishment. 


Bellis perennis

Daisy is the plant for getting your #%@ together! It’s for planning and organizing. Absorb more information and organize it in a meaningful way. It also enhances concentration.


Borago officinalis

Borage is a heart remedy to ease the brokenhearted. It’s good for those suffering grief, loss, sadness, or discouragement and it lifts the spirits and prevents depression. It promotes courage and optimism.


Chelidonium majus

Celandine flower essence enhances communication. It’s good for singers, teachers and lecturers. Celandine assists giving receiving information, and is good for people who are stubborn or opinionated, do not listen, or can’t concentrate. It also helps enhance understanding of information given in dreams. 


Crataegus monogyna, C. oxycanthus

Hawthorn is a renowned heart healer. As a flower essence, it heals broken hearts, opens the heart chakra and enhances expressions of love. It also eases emotional extremes. 


Papaver somniferum

Poppy flower essence is for escapists who find it hard to face up to the realities of life, and for those fearful of expressing strong emotions such as anger. It gives you the courage to assert yourself, and express your feelings. 


Tilia europea

Linden is another flower essence for the heart. It increases awareness of our connectedness to the rest of humanity, and increases feelings of peace and happiness.


Verbascum thapsus

Mullein provides an inner light to guide us along our path. It helps us to withstand social pressure, and strengthens the moral compass for those who are weak and confused. 



Callistemon polandi

This Essence helps people move through major life changes and the overwhelm that often goes with those changes, especially retirement, menopause, adolescence or death, etc. Excellent for pregnant women and new mothers. It will assist with the connection between a mother and a child.


Nelumbo nucifera

Healing Properties: Lotus flower essence stimulates the seventh (crown) chakra to open to Divine inspiration and Spiritual liberation. For those who seek enlightenment and inspired insight.


An Essence which is very beneficial in overcoming emotional imbalances and bringing about a sense of wellbeing in females. It will benefit women who feel uncomfortable about infertility. It can also be used in conjunction with Flannel Flower which will help remove karmic patterns hindering conception. The fruit of this tree is very similar in size to a woman's ovary. This Essence was made from the female tree of the species.


Acacia terminalis

For people who have had a difficult time in the past and who are stuck there. They bring their negative experiences of the past into the present. Life is seen as being grim and full of struggle. When they look at life they only see bleakness, hard times and disappointment continuing into the future. In the positive mode these people will see the beauty, joy and excitement in the present and optimistically anticipate the future.

……enjoy the making and Flower essence exploration, its endless…

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